东森微电子快速响应LED市场变化,新推一款Diodes(BCD)的专利脉冲频率调制技术来严格调节LED电流的总线可调光LED灯驱动芯片AP1694. 东森微电子为您提供完善的AP1694A/AP1694M应用解决方案,该AP1694A/AP1694M可提供5%的初始LED电流准确度,有效满足大多数总线可调光LED照明应用的要求,为多种总线可调光LED灯设计提供高效的通用驱动器解决方案。 Diodes(BCD)的AP1694优势特性: 1.符合美国电气制造商协会 (NEMA) SSL6调光曲线标准及IEC6100-3-2谐波标准 2.AP1694利用Diodes(BCD)的专利脉冲频率调制技术来严格调节LED电流,以实现高功率因数和低总谐波失真; 3.AP1694采用临界导通工作模式,确保驱动器的高效率及低电磁干扰特性; 4.AP1694为原边侧控制器,加上固有的稳定性,免除了环路补偿的需要; 5.AP1694适用于120V和230V交流输入,为总线可调光LED灯设计师提供更高的功率密度; 6.AP1694提供5%的初始LED电流准确度,有效满足大多数总线可调光LED照明应用的要求; 7.AP1694可降低10%到50%的总物料清单成本,更简单的布线和更小的电路占位面积。 AP1694除了具备上述的一些优势特性之外,它还支持非隔离式降压、升降压和隔离式反激拓扑,与前沿触发和后沿触发的多种不同调光器兼容,并集成了完善的如:负载开路检测、过压、短路及过温保护等一系列保护功能于一体。
AP1694 Features
- Primary Side Control for Output Current Regulation without Opto-coupler
- Boundary Conduction Mode (BCM) Operation to Achieve High efficiency
- High PF and Low THD
- High Efficiency without Dimmer
- Wide Range of Dimmer Compatibility
- Dimming Curve Compliant with NEMA SSL6
- Low Start-up Current
- Tight LED Current
- Tight LED Open Voltage
- BJT Transistor Driver
- Dynamic Base Driver Control
- Valley-mode Switching to Minimize the Transition Loss
- Easy EMI
- Internal Protections:
- Under Voltage Lock Out (UVLO)
- Leading-edge Blanking (LEB)
- Output Short Protection
- Output Open Protection
- Over Temperature Protection
- Flexible for Design with Small Form Factor and Very Low BOM Cost
- Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant
- Halogen and Antimony Free. “Green” Device
The AP1694 is a high performance AC/DC power factor corrector for mains dimmable LED driver applications. The device uses Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) technology to regulate output current while achieving high power factor and low THD. It operates as a BCM (Boundary Conduction Mode) controller which is good for EMI.
The AP1694 provides accurate constant current (CC) regulation while removing the opto-coupler and secondary control circuitry. It also eliminates the need of loop compensation circuitry while maintaining stability. It can meet the requirement of IEC6100-3-2 harmonic standard.
The AP1694 features low start-up current, low operation current. It adopts dynamic base driver control technology and valley on switching mode to achieve high efficiency. It also has rich protection features including over voltage, short circuit, over temperature protection.
The AP1694 provides the dimmable LED driver with a wide dimmer compatibility including leading edge and trailing edge dimmer. The AP1694 can achieve deep dimming down to 1%, while the dimming curve is compliant with the standard of NEMA SSL6.
The AP1694 is available in SO-8 package.
- Mains Dimmable LED Lighting